ADVERTISEMENT Health Product How to pronounce advertisement? ad·ver·tise·ment /ˈadvərˌtīzmənt,ədˈvərdizmənt/ What is advertisement? Advertisement is a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting…
Week 13 English 9 – REPORT TEXT (Technology)
REPORT TEXT Technology Hi, students! Pada pertemuan sebelumnya kita membahas Teks Report berupa teori dan contoh teks dengan tema Nature dan Animal. Pada pertemuan kali…
Week 12 English 9 – REPORT TEXT (Animal)
REPORT TEXT Animal Hi, students! Pada pertemuan sebelumnya kita membahas Teks Report berupa teori dan contoh teks dengan tema Nature. Pada pertemuan kali ini kita…
ENGLISH MID SEMESTER TEST Good morning students… How are you doing? We hope all of you are in good condition and keep on studying at…
Week 10 English 9 – REPORT TEXT (Nature)
REPORT TEXT Definition Report text is a text which presents information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation…
Week 9 English 9 – Passive Voice Part 3
PASSIVE VOICE Part 3 It’s good to see you again, students 🙂 Hari ini kita akan menyelesaikan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris tentang Kalimat Pasif atau Passive…