Good morning my beloved students,

How is your morning? I hope you are fine and always keep spirit to study at home

Today we will discuss about “Kinds of Job”.  Apa itu Job?.  Kinds of job dalam bahasa indonesia adalah macam-macam pekerjaan atau profesi.

Cermati 2 (dua) video dibawah ini !

1. VIDEO Mrs. ERNA 7 (7 C- H)

2. VIDEO Miss TYAS (7 A-B)

Setelah melihat video diatas, lanjut mencatat ya anak-anak !!

Tujuan pembelajaran ini adalah, agar siswa dapat :

  • Mengidentifikasi berbagai jenis profesi.
  • Menyebutkan pekerjaan suatu profesi

Job and Profession

Pada umumnya, kata job disamaartikan dengan profession dan occupation. Tapi sebenarnya, kedua kata ini memiliki arti yang sedikit berbeda.  Lalu apa bedanya job dan profession?
Profession adalah nama pekerjaannya, yang memerlukan keahlian.
Job atau occupation adalah pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan
She is a teacher (Dia adalah seorang guru. Profession: teacher/guru)
She teaches English in junior high school (Dia mengajar Bahasa Inggris di SMP. Job: teacher/mengajar)

Kinds of Job ( macam-macam pekerjaan/ profesi ) :

Actor /Actress = aktor/artis                                 Astronomer   = ahli astronomi

Architec = arsitek                                                   Baker. = tukang roti

Author = pengarang                                              Bus driver  = sopir bis

Bricklayer = tukang batu                                      Chef/Cook   = ahli masak / koki

Butcher = tukang daging                                      Carpenter = tukang kayu

Designer  = perancang busana                            Dentist = dokter gigi

Engineer   = insiyur                                                Doctor = dokter

Factory  worker = pekerja pabrik                        Farmer  = petani

Fisherman  = nelayan                                            Fireman = pemadam kebakaran

Florist = tukang bunga                                          Gardener  = tukang kebun

Journalist  = wartawan                                         Hairdresser = penata rambut

Judge = hakim                                                        Lawyer  = ahli hukum

Lecturer  = dosen                                                  Librarian  = ahli perpustakaan

Mechanic  = ahli mesin                                        Nurse = perawat

Doctor = dokter                                                    Painter = pelukis

Pharmacy = ahli obat                                           Photographer = tukang foto

Pilot = pilot                                                            Policeman = polisi

Postman = tukang pos                                         Receptionist = penerima tamu

Scientist = ilmuwan                                             Secretary = sekretaris

Shop aasistant = pelayan toko                          Soldier = tentara

Tailor = tukang jahit                                           Taxi driver = sopir taxi

Teacher = guru                                                    Travel agent = agen perjalanan

Waiter = pelayan restoran                                Sailor = pelaut

No Profession Workplace Job
1. Student School Studies
2. Teacher School Teaches, educates  students
3. Doctor Hospital Cures patients
4. Nurse Hospital Helps doctor, takes care patients, etc
5. Farmer Rice field, garden Plants rice, vegetables, etc
6. Fisherman Sea, river Catches fish
7. Tailor House, garment Designes, makes clothes
8. Carpenter House Makes tables, chairs, cupboards, etc.
9. Policeman/woman Police station Regulates traffic, catches criminals, etc
10. Postman Post office Delivers letters
11. Director Company, factory Directs, leads company, manufactory
12. Typist Company Types letters anda documents
13. Mechanic Garage, repair shop Repairs machine, motor, car, etc.
14. Flight attendant Plane Serves  passangers
15. Driver Car, transportation company Drives, carries passangers
16. Singer Music record company Sings songs
17. Pilot plane Controls and flies planes
18. fireman Fireman department Extinguish fire
19. Chef/cook Restaurant Prepares and cooks menu
20 Waiter/waitress Restaurant Serves customers, offers menu
21. Librarian Library Manages library
22. Headmaster School Leads schools
23. Soldier Country Defends and protects country
24. Actor/Actress Company, TV studios Casts and plays films, etc
25. Judge Court Judges the accused or criminal and punishes them
26. Plumber houses Repair pipes
27 Dentist Clinic, Hospital Treats and cures toothache
28. Receptionist Hotel Welcomes and serves people who check in or check out (Hotel)
29. Painter House, workshop Paints pictures, draws objects
30 Reporter TV Studio, company Reports news

Telling one’s job or profession

I am profession
You are
He is


I work as …

work at .. atau work in … (place)

He works as …

works at .. atau work in … (place)


I am a nurse.  (aku adalah seorang perawat)
She is a student (dia adalah seorang siswa)
They work as chef (mereka bekerja sebagai chef)

Asking about job ( menanyakan tentang pekerjaan ) :

           Asking about Job

         ( Menanyakan hobby )



                      ( Jawaban )


1.  What do you do ?



I am a/an …..


. What is your job/occuption ?


I am a/an ….

I work at …

I work as ……


What do you do for living ?


I am a/an ….

I work at …

I work as …..

What sort of work do you do ?

untuk orang yang belum dikenal


I am a/an…..

I work at …..


Whom do you work for ?


I work for …..


Where do you work ?


I work in ….



Ryan: What is your occupation, John?
John : I’m a chef
Ryan: Where do you work as a chef?
John : I work in Mulia Hotel
Ryan: How long have you been working in the hotel?
John: I have been working there for almost for 5 years
Ryan: Are you happy with your job?
John: Yes, I am very happy with my job. And, what is your job, Ryan ?
Ryan : I am a policeman
John: That is a great job. Okay, I have to go. Nice to meet you, Ryan. See you later!
Ryan: Nice to meet you too, John. See you later



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