Good morning my beloved students,

How is you day? I hope you are fine and happy always.

Today we will discuss about “Kinds of Hobby”.  Apa itu hooby? Hobby adalah kesukaan atau kegemaran.

Tujuan pembelajaran, Agar siswa dapat :

  1. Menyebutkan hobi diri sendiri dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar
  2. Menanyakan hobi orang lain dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar
  3. Melakukan dialog yang berhubungan dengan hobi

Kinds of Hobby ( macam-macam kegemaran) :

Reading = membaca                                                 Watching TV= nonton TV

Going to Movies = nonton film                               Fishing  =  memancing

Playing games = bermain games                            Playing footbal = bermain sepakbola

Playing badminton= bermain badminton            Gardening = berkebun

Walking= berjalan                                                     Listening to Music=mendengarkan music

Entertaining= menghibur                                        Hunting= berburu

Shopping= berbelanja                                               Traveling= bepergian

Relaxing= bersantai                                                   Playing Music= bermain music

Watching Sports= menonton olah raga                 Bicycling= bersepeda

Playing Cards= bermain kartu                                 Hiking= mendaki

Cooking = memasak                                                   Eating Out = makan diluar

Swimming = berenang                                              Camping = berkemah

Writing =menulis                                                       Boating =berperahu

Motorcycling = naik sepeda motor                         Painting = menggambar

Running = berlari                                                       Dancing = menari


Asking about job ( menanyakan tentang pekerjaan ) :

           Asking about hobby

         ( Menanyakan hobby )



                      ( Jawaban )


1. Do you have any hobbies?

(= Apakah kamu punya hobbi ?)


Yes, I do


2. What is your hobby?

(= Apa hobbimu? )


My hobby is swimming


3. What are your hobbies?

(= Apa hobbimu? /untuk banyak hobbi )


My hobbies are swimming and dancing


4. What do you like doing?

(= Apa yang kamu suka lakukan ?)


I like swimming

I love swimming

I enjoy swimming


5. What do you do in your free/ leisure time?

(= Apa yang kamu lakukan di waktu luang)


In my free/leisure time, I like/love/enjoy swimming


6. How do you spend your free/ leisure time?

(= Bagaimana kamu menghabiskan waktu luang?)


I spend my free/leisure time swimming




Reta : Do you have any hobbies, Nisa ?

Nisa : Yes, I do.

Reta : What is your hobby ?

Nisa :  I like dancing, especially traditional dances

Reta :  Where do you practice dancing ?

Nisa :  I practice dancing in Suryo Sumirat ?

Reta :  How often do you practice dancing ?

Nisa :  I practice dancing twice a week, every Friday and



My main hobby is  playing golf, but I also like to play football on a Sunday. I like most type of sports, but I like football best.  I play football in stadium.  When I am not working,I like talking to other people on the Internet.  And in my spare time, I like to read cartoon books.

Answer these questions based on the text above !

  1. What is the writer’s main hobby ?
  2. When does the writer read cartoon books?
  3. Where does the writer play football ?
  4. What does the writer like to do when he/she is not working ?
  5. Does the writer have any hobbies ?

KEY ANSWERS ( Kunci Jawaban ) :

  1. The writer’s main hobby is playing golf
  2. Then writer reads cartoon books in his spare time
  3. The writer plays football in stadium
  4. The writer likes talking to other people on the internet.
  5. Yes, he does

Untuk lebih jelasnya lihatlah video dibawah ini.

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Setelah kalian melihat video diatas.  Sekarang silahkan kerjakan puzzle mengenai job di bawah ini .  Kerjakan di buku tugas kalian ya.

Tetap semangat belajar ya anak-anak

Stay safe

Stay healthy

Stay at home




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