Good morning my beloved students,
How is you day? I hope you are fine and happy always.
Today we will discuss about “Kinds of Hobby”. Apa itu hooby? Hobby adalah kesukaan atau kegemaran.
Tujuan pembelajaran, Agar siswa dapat :
- Menyebutkan hobi diri sendiri dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar
- Menanyakan hobi orang lain dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar
- Melakukan dialog yang berhubungan dengan hobi
Kinds of Hobby ( macam-macam kegemaran) :
Reading = membaca Watching TV= nonton TV
Going to Movies = nonton film Fishing = memancing
Playing games = bermain games Playing footbal = bermain sepakbola
Playing badminton= bermain badminton Gardening = berkebun
Walking= berjalan Listening to Music=mendengarkan music
Entertaining= menghibur Hunting= berburu
Shopping= berbelanja Traveling= bepergian
Relaxing= bersantai Playing Music= bermain music
Watching Sports= menonton olah raga Bicycling= bersepeda
Playing Cards= bermain kartu Hiking= mendaki
Cooking = memasak Eating Out = makan diluar
Swimming = berenang Camping = berkemah
Writing =menulis Boating =berperahu
Motorcycling = naik sepeda motor Painting = menggambar
Running = berlari Dancing = menari
Asking about job ( menanyakan tentang pekerjaan ) :
Asking about hobby
( Menanyakan hobby )
( Jawaban )
1. Do you have any hobbies?
(= Apakah kamu punya hobbi ?)
Yes, I do
2. What is your hobby?
(= Apa hobbimu? )
My hobby is swimming
3. What are your hobbies?
(= Apa hobbimu? /untuk banyak hobbi )
My hobbies are swimming and dancing
4. What do you like doing?
(= Apa yang kamu suka lakukan ?)
I like swimming
I love swimming I enjoy swimming
5. What do you do in your free/ leisure time?
(= Apa yang kamu lakukan di waktu luang)
In my free/leisure time, I like/love/enjoy swimming
6. How do you spend your free/ leisure time?
(= Bagaimana kamu menghabiskan waktu luang?)
I spend my free/leisure time swimming
Reta : Do you have any hobbies, Nisa ?
Nisa : Yes, I do.
Reta : What is your hobby ?
Nisa : I like dancing, especially traditional dances
Reta : Where do you practice dancing ?
Nisa : I practice dancing in Suryo Sumirat ?
Reta : How often do you practice dancing ?
Nisa : I practice dancing twice a week, every Friday and
My main hobby is playing golf, but I also like to play football on a Sunday. I like most type of sports, but I like football best. I play football in stadium. When I am not working,I like talking to other people on the Internet. And in my spare time, I like to read cartoon books.
Answer these questions based on the text above !
- What is the writer’s main hobby ?
- When does the writer read cartoon books?
- Where does the writer play football ?
- What does the writer like to do when he/she is not working ?
- Does the writer have any hobbies ?
KEY ANSWERS ( Kunci Jawaban ) :
- The writer’s main hobby is playing golf
- Then writer reads cartoon books in his spare time
- The writer plays football in stadium
- The writer likes talking to other people on the internet.
- Yes, he does
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