Minggu ke 3 Bulan Agustus

Good morning, students

How are you today? We hope you are always good at home. Well, students.. you learned about LABEL last week. Today, we will continue our chapter 2 with more specific material. Today we are going to learn NUTRITION FACTS a feature of label. Let’s check it out!


Learning Objectives : Tujuan Pembelajaran

  1. To identify the glossary ( mengidentifikasi kata-kata tertentu)
  2. To tell the definition ( menjelaskan definisi )
  3. To tell the purpose ( menjelaskan tujuan )
  4. To tell how to read / understand ( menjelaskan cara memahami )


The Glossary: kosa kata

Carbohydrate = Karbohidrat

Cholesterol = Kolesterol

Daily value = Nilai  gizi harian

Dietary fiber = Makanan berserat

Enriched = diperkaya

Fortified = diperkuat

Hydrogenated = terbentuknya H2

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) = penyedap makanan

Potassium = kalium

Saturated fat = lemak jenuh

Sugar = gula

Serving size = ukuran porsi

Sodium = sodium

Total calories = total kalori

Total carbohydrate = total karbohodrat

Total fat = lemak total

Trans fat = lemak trans

Whole grain = gandum


Definition: Pengertian

The nutrition facts label is a label required on most packaged food in many countries, showing what nutrients are in the food.

(Nutrition facts adalah label yang biasanya ada di kemasan makanan, berisi informasi kandungan nutrisi makanan yang ada di dalamnya.)

The Purpose: Tujuan

  1. to provide the information you need to make healthy choices about the foods you eat

(untuk menyediakan informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam memilih makanan yang sehat)

  1. to provide facts for nutrients that impact common health concerns, such as weight control, diabetes and high blood pressure, and to guide those following a special diet.

(untuk menyediakan informasi kandungan gizi yang mempengaruhi kesehatan pada umumnya, seperti berat badan, diabet, tekanan darah tinggi; serta untuk memberi petunjuk pada konsumen yang sedang menjalani diet tertentu)

  1. to shows calories, total fats, saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, sodium, total carbohydrate, fiber, sugar, proteins and certain vitamins and minerals

(untuk memperlihatkan kandungan nutrisi terdapat dalam produk tersebut)


HOW TO READ / UNDERSTAND : cara membaca

 Step 1      :  Start with the Serving Size (Jumlah sajian per kemasan)

Step 2      :  Check Out the Total Calories (Kalori total per sajian)

Step 3      :  Choose Low in Saturated Fat, Added Sugars and Sodium (Pilih rendah lemak jenuh, gula,  sodium)

Step 5      :  Check Out the Nutrition Terms (Perhatikan kandungan nutrisi yg harus dibatasi)

Step 6      :  Let the Percent Daily Values be a Guide (Perhatikan Angka Kecukupan Gizi) (AKG)

Check the Video:

Miss Hana


Mr. Fauzan

To check your progress of learning, do this following little quiz. Good luck!

Setelah menyelesaikan materi ini, tuliskan nama, nomer, dan kelas kalian di kolom komentar di bawah ini ya… Jika kalian mempunyai pertanyaan terkait materi ini kalian juga bisa menuliskannya di kolom komentar  dengan menyebutkan nama dan kelas kalian.

Well students, enough for the lesson today. Don’t forget to be happy, stay safe and healthy, and keep on studying. Goodbye…. See you next week!

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