Pertemuan ke 4. Materi : INTRODUCING YOURSELF. Pengampu : Mrs. Erna Lestantiningsih.

Good morning, students

How are you today?

I am very happy to meet you again

Selamat pagi anak-anak.  Senang sekali bisa bertemu lagi.  Apa kabar kalian?. Today we will discuss about “ How to introduce yourself”.  Maksudnya adalah bagaimana cara kita memperkenalkan diri kita sendiri dalam bahasa inggris.

Tujuan dari pembelajaran ini adalah :

  1. Agar kalian bisa meperkenalkan diri sendiri beserta responnya.
  2. Agar kalian bisa menanyakan identitas dan mengerti responnya.


A. Cara memperkenalkan diri sendiri (introducing yourself) :

1. Kenalkan dulu nama (name), caranya :

a. I am ….

b. My name is …..

c. Hello, I am ….

d. Nice to meet you, I am …..

e. I would like to introduce my self, I am …..

f. Let me introduce myself, my name is …..

g. Please call me …..

2. Sebutkan alamatmu ( address), caranya :

a. I come from ….

b. I live in ….

c. I am from ….

3. Sebutkan informasi lain tentang dirimu (other information), caranya :

a. I am a student

b. I study at SMP N 20 Surakarta

.               c  I am 13 years old

d. I like readingFor example :

Hello !!

My name is Yunita Chandra. You can call me, Yuni.  I am from West Sumatra.  I live in Padang in Kampung Serai on Jalan Teratai no.23.  I am a student. I study at Padang Junior High School.  I am 13 years old and I like dancing.

B. Menanyakan Identitas ( Asking Identity )

Untuk menanyakan identitas seseorang kita bisa menggunakan beberapa cara dibawah ini beserta responnya.

    Asking Identity         Response
What’s your name?

Where are you from?

Who is that?

What’s her name ?

Where are you from?

Where is she from ?

Where do you live ?

What are you ?

Where do you study ?

How old are you ?

What’s your hobby ?


My name is Ryan

I’m from Taiwan

His name is Tom

Her name is Nina

I’m from Taiwan

She is from Korea

I live in Solo

I am a student

I study at SMP N 1 Semarang.

I am 12 years old

My hobby is singing / I like singing.

Example :

Sita : Hey, Ana! How are you?

Ana : Hello Sita! I am fine, and how about you?

Sita :  I am fine, too.  Ana, where do you live ?

Ana :  I live on Sudirman street number 15, and you?

Sita :  I live on Manggis street number 24

Ana :  By the way, what’s your hobby, Sita

Sita :  My hobby is playing games

Ana :  Why do you like to play games

Sita :  It is very interesting and  it makes my mind relax


Buatlah perkenalan tentang diri kalian sendiri.

Buat minimal 6 kalimat, lebih lengkap lebih baik.

Tulis yang rapi di buku tugas kalian.







If you have any question, please call me

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